Design of Midongsan Ecological park

미동산 산림환경 생태원 설계

  • Kim, Hyun (Korea Culture & Tourism Policy Institute)
  • 김현 (한국문화관광정책연구원)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


This report describes the first prize design of Midongsan Eco-park, which is located in Chungcheongbuk-do (North Chungcheong) province. Criteria of the winning design are as follows: 1) The design should include a neighborhood park as well as a portion of a green zone, in order to harmonize the area ecosystem, gradually assimilate the surroundings, and serve as an education tool for the public. 2) According to an analysis of area maps and a site-inspection, a preserved area, a buffer area, a restored area, and a developed area should be developed. In the buffer and restored areas, major facilities and activity spaces should be set up. 3) Observation trails should be accessible to visitors, and a variety of adventure programs should be available. 4) The eco-park should be designed to provide a habitat for the Gorani (Chinese water deer) which used to live around Midongsan. 5) For sensuous and vivid visitor experiences, diverse programs are to be designed to accommodate different seasons, visitor ages, and required time. Environment and eco-education are to be emphasized to maximize the effect of the eco-programs. 6) Optimal activities for visitors of different ages, optimal time intervals and eco-programs by age are also suggested. 7) Facilities are zoned into three sections according to level of development. Each section has a main area and supplementary areas for better understanding. 8) Nature-friendly arrangement of facilities and construction should minimize earthwork and adverse effects on the local ecology. Throughout the planning, the following things were learned: longer-term analysis including all season's observation is essential; planning, designing, bui Iding and managing should be based on this careful, extended observation. The contest should have taken plate over a longer period of time in order enable more detailed planing of the eco-park For improved management and activities, a volunteer system in linked with schools eco-institutions and NGOs should be developed with eco-interpreters.



  1. Geotechnique v.29 no.4 A Natural Compression Law for Soils (An Advance on e-log p') Butterfield,R.