프리트, 점토 및 안료의 혼합에 따른 법랑 색상에 관한 연구

A Study on the Colors of Enamel Wear by Changing the Ratio of Frit, Clay and Pigments

  • Published : 2002.06.01


법랑 재료인 프리트, 점토 및 안료의 배합비를 달리하여 법랑 시편을 제작하고, 시료들의 색상을 측색계(JS555)를 이용하여 분석하였다. 법랑의 색상 분석은 안료 외에도 프리트의 성질에 크게 좌우되며, 소성 전후의 법랑의 색깔이 확연히 변하므로 생산 표준화를 위하여 필요한 작업이다.

Samples of enamel wear for kitchen works were made at the Kordco Enamel Co. We analyzed the colors of enamel wears with Color Meter (JS555). The colors of enamel wears could be controled by mixing ratio of frits and pigments. Many kinds of frits and pigments were tested, and colors of enamel wears could be changed by variable frits. Colors were weakly changed by several mixing ratio of pigments.
