국내 원전기기 성능검증 품질보증체계 구축에 관한 연구

Quality Assurance system for Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Qualification in Korea

  • 남지희 (한국원자력 연구소 품질보증실) ;
  • 이영건 (한국원자력 연구소 품질보증실) ;
  • 임남진 (한국원자력 연구소 품질보증실)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


This paper investigates different QA standards such as KEPIC QAP, KEPIC END 1200, ISO/1EC 17025 etc. and as a result defines QA elements for Nuclear Power Plant equipment qualification(EQ) in Korea. This paper also proposes a practical QA certification system appropriate for an Integrated Organization for EQ which is being planned to be established in Korea. Since the level of the Korean EQ technology is comparatively low, the Korean manufacturers of the Nuclear Power Plant(NPP) equipment have usually used overseas EQ services. The EQ related organizations in Korea are making efforts to construct the integrated EQ system. In connection with this, it is required that the QA elements and QA certification system suitable for EQ in Korea be developed.



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