A Novel Digital Over Current Relay with Variable Time-Current Characteristics for Protective Coordination

  • Park, M. S. (Next Generation Power Technology Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University) ;
  • P. S. Cho (Next Generation Power Technology Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University) ;
  • Lee, S. J. (Next Generation Power Technology Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University) ;
  • S. H. Hyun (Next Generation Power Technology Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University) ;
  • Kim, K. H. (Division of information and communication of Catholic Sangji College)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


An over current relay(OCR), one of the most frequently used protective devices, has time-current characteristics (TCC) to control its trip time according to the current level. It is because an appropriate operating time interval is necessary for coordination with other protective devices. A set of TCC curves of an OCR is, in general, given by the supplier from which a curve is selected by the operator. Therefore, in many cases, it is impossible to consider the operation condition of the given power system exactly. A novel concept of an OCR is suggested in this paper. The proposed OCR has an internal correction module so that it may produce the most adequate TCC curve according to the given protective information for coordination with other devices. With the generated TCC curve, a variety of operation and coordination conditions can be taken into consideration in an effective manner. The suggested OCR is applied to a simple test power system to show very promising results from a coordination point of view.



  1. J. Lewis Blackburn, 'Protective Relaying Principle and Application Second Edition', Marcel Dekkerr, Inc., 1997
  2. Charles V. Walker, 'Electrical Distribution System Protection Third Edition', COOPER POWER SYSTEM, 1990
  3. ARTHUR R. BERGEN, 'Power System Analysis Second Edition', PRENTICE HALL, 1999
  4. 'IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems', Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Inc. Approved September 19, 1985 IEEE Standard Board
  5. 'IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants', The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Inc. Approved December 2, 1993