A Study on the Science and Technology Areas for the Third Technology Foresight of Korea

과학기술예측 대상기술 선정을 위한 주요 기술영역의 조사연구

  • 정근화 (한국과학기술기획평가원 기술평가팀) ;
  • 고대승 (한국과학기술기획평가원 기술평가팀) ;
  • 이정근 (한국과학기술기획평가원 기술평가팀) ;
  • 손석호 (한국과학기술기획평가원 기술평가팀) ;
  • 변도영 (한국과학기술기획평가원 기술평가팀)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


This study reviews and compares the selection procedures for science and technology topics to predict mid- and long-term trends in science and technology development in Korea, Japan, and the United Kingdom. It then identifies science and technology topics and future technologies for the third science and technology foresight of Korea. In Japan and the United Kingdom, non-technological topics that reflect socioeconomic needs are also select-ed along with technological ones. This study provides the following policy implications to enhance reliability and effectiveness of the third science and technology foresight of Korea. First, selection of science and technology topics should coincide with the national goal, taking into account development trends in science and technology and socioeconomic needs. Second, the current prediction methodologies such as "delphi" do not fully consider future uncertainties in science and technology development. A scenario method is, for example, needed to present coherent pictures of alternative futures. finally, the third technology foresight should select and include topics that reflect domestic conditions and global trend in technological progress. This study suggests 117 topics for the third science and technology foresight.foresight.



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  4. 중장기 과학기술예측 조사결과의 국제비교 연구-한국, 일본, 독일을 중심으로 정근하(외)
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  8. STI Review no.17 Special Issue on Government Foresight Exercises OECD
  9. The Report of the Technology Foresight Steering Group Office of Science of Technology(OST)