혁신체제론의 과학기술정책: 기본 관점과 주요 주제

The Innovation System Approach and Science and Technology Policy

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


This study reviews the new Perspectives of science and technology Policy based on "the innovation system ap-proach" . It examines the theories of innovation and the economic rationale of government intervention of the in-novation system approach and compares them with those of traditional nee-classical approach. It also examines the basic theme of science and technology Policy of "the innovation system approach" It argues that the enhancement of innovating capability, the transformation of innovation system coping with changing technological and econom-ic environments, and the policy learning of the government and innovators are very important and peculiar sub-jects of the science and technology Policy based on "the innovation system approach".ovation system approach".uot;.



  1. 한국행정학보 v.31 no.2 국가행정의 혁신 및 확산 메커니즘의 한.미간 비교 박명수;박홍식;전종섭
  2. 경제학연구 v.44 no.1 신제도경제학의 최근 동향 장하준
  3. STI Review no.22 Managing a systems Approach to Technology and Innovation Policy Andersson,T.
  4. Journal of Management v.17 no.1 Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage Barney,J.
  5. Empowering Technology : Implementing a U.S. Strategy Branscomb,L.
  6. European Communities Society, the Endless Frontier: A European Vision of Research and Innovation Policies for the 21st Century Caracostas,P.;Muldur,U.
  7. Economics and Technological Change Coombs,R.;Saviotti,P.;Walsh,V.
  8. Public Policy in the Learning Society Dalum,B.;Johnson,B.;Lundvall,B.;Lundvall(ed.)
  9. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics v.5 no.2 Why are Institutions the 'Carriers of History'?: Path Dependence and the Evolution of Conventions, Organizations and Institutions David,P.
  10. Effective Innovation Policy: A New Approach Dodgson,M.;Bessant,J.
  11. Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations Edquist,C.(ed.)
  12. The Economics of Industrial Innovation(3rd edition) Freeman,C.;Soete,L.
  13. Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations Paradigmatic Shifts in National Innovation Systems Galli,R;Teubal,M.;Edquist C.(ed.)
  14. National System of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning Institutional Learning Johnson,B.;Lundvall(ed.)
  15. Strategic Management Journal v.13 Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development Leonard-Barton, D.
  16. STI Review no.22 Technology Policies in Neo-classical and Structuralist-Evolutionary Models Lipsey,R.;Carlaw,K.
  17. National System of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning Lundvall,B.
  18. ISE Report Project, Systems of Innovation Research Program Public Policy and Industrial Dynamics: An Evolutionary Perspective Malerba,F.
  19. Rediscovering Institution March,J.;Olson,J.
  20. Policy Networks in British Government Marsh,D;Rhodes,R.
  21. Cambridge Journal of Economics v.19 Technology Systems and Technology Policy in an Evolutionary Framework Metcalfe,J.
  22. STI Review no.22 Equilibrium and Evolutionary Foundations of Technology Policy Metcalfe,J.S.;Georghiou,L.
  23. CRIC Working Paper No.10 Technology and Economic Development: a Comparative Perspective Metcalfe,S.
  24. Academy of Management Review v.15 no.2 The Architecture of Simplicity Miller,D.
  25. Resource-based and Evolutionary Theories of the Firm: Towards a Synthesis Montgomery,C.(ed)
  26. The Practice of Technology Policy Mowery,D.;Stoneman(ed.)
  27. MERIT Report SME Policy and the Regional Dimension of Innovation Policy Nauwelaers,C.;Wintjes,R.
  28. National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis Nelson,R.(ed.)
  29. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization v.44 Making Sense of Institutions as a Factor Shaping Economic Performance Nelson,R.;Sampat,B.
  30. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change Nelson,R.;Winter,S.
  31. RISE Work Programme Economic Rationales of Government Involvement in Innovation and the Supply of Innovation-related Services Norgren,L;Hauknes,J.
  32. Technology, Productivity and Job Creation: Best Policy Practice OECD
  33. Technology and Economy: The Key Relationship(국역;과학과 기술의 경제학) OECD
  34. National Innovation Systems OCED
  35. Industrial and Corporate Change v.11 no.1 Innovating Routines in the Business Firm: What Corporate Tasks Should They be Accomplishing Pavitt,K.
  36. ISE Report Project, Systems of Innovation Research Program System Approaches to Innovation: Some Policy Issues Smith,K.
  37. Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change Stoneman,P.(ed.)
  38. Strategic Management Journal v.18 no.7 Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management Teece,D.;Pisano,G.;Shuen,A.
  39. STI Review no.22 Policies for Promoting Enterprise Restructuring in National Systems of Innovation: Triggering Cumulative Learning and Generating System Effects Teubal,M.
  40. Industrial and Corporate Change v.9 no.1 Enterprise Restructuring and Embeddedness: a Policy and System Perspective Teubal,M.;Anderson,E.
  41. Market and Organizational Change Managing Innovation: Intergrating Technological Tidd,J.;Bessant,J.;Pavitt,K.
  42. Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy v.5 Innovation and Industry Development: The case of Cochlear Implants Van de van,A.;Garud,R.