Application of DFB Diode Laser Sensor to Reacting Flow (I) - Estimation and Application to Laminar Flames -

  • Park, Gyung-Min (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University) ;
  • Masashi Katsuki (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University) ;
  • Kim, Duck-Jool (School of Mechanical engineering, Pusan national University)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


Diode laser sensor for measuring gas temperature and species concentration in combustion chamber was developed using 2.0 tim distributed feed back lasers. To evaluate the measurement sensitivity of diode laser sensor system, CO2 survey spectra near 2.0 Um were measured and compared with the calculated one. This diode laser absorption sensor was applied to measure gas temperatures in a premixed flat flame of CH$_4$-air mixture. Experimental results were in good agreement with the values by an R-type thermocouple within 6.12%. In addition, successful demonstration of measurement of gas temperature and species concentration in a soot flame showed the promising possibility of diode laser absorption sensors for practical combustion system with non-intrusive method.



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