The Home and Community Based Care(HCBC) Program for the Rural Elderly in the United States

미국의 농촌노인을 위한 지역사회보호 지원프로그램

  • 한경혜 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this study is to review the Home and Community Based Care Program in the United States and to examine the ways these programs help the rural elderly to maintain independent living in their own home in the community instead of moving into the nursing home. First, the overall welfare policy for the aged and service delivery systems in the United States are reviewed. Second, basic assumptions and programs of HCBC are reviewed. Third, using the informations about the elder support program in Madison, Dane County of Wisconsin as a case, various kinds and contents of specific programs are introduced. Applicability of these programs to rural Korea is discussed.
