- Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society v.48 Large sample theory of sequential estimation Anscombe, F.J.
- The Annals of mathematical Statistics v.36 On the asymptotic theory of fixed width comfidence intervals for the means Chow, Y.S.;Robbins, H.
- Sequential Analysis v.9 An adaptive biased coin design for the Behrens-Fisher problem Eisele, J.R.
- Sequential Analysis v.8 Sequential confidence sets with bata-protection in multiparameter families Fahker-Zakeri
- The Annals of Statistics v.8 Sequential point estimation of the difference of two normal mean Ghosh, M.;Mukhopadhyay, N.
- Ph.D. Dissertation Sequential and Non-sequential Intervals with Guaranteed Coverage Probability and Beta Protection Juhlin, K.D.
- Journal of the Korean Statistical Society v.19 Sequential confidence intervals for the mean with β-protection in a certain parameter space Kim, S.L.
- Journal of the Korean Statistical Society v.26 Sequential confidence intervals for the mean with β-protection for a linear function of two normal means Kim, S.L.
- The Annals Mathematical Statistics v.38 Sequential analogue of the Bhrens-Fisher Problem Robbins, H.;Simons, G.;Starr, N.
- Communications in Statistics-Theory and Method A v.10 Confidence sets based on sequential test Wijsman, R.A.
- Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics Ⅲ v.2 Sequential confidence sets: Estimation-oriented versus Test-oriented construction Wijsman, R.A.
- Sequential Analysis v.2 Sequenctial estimation and test-oriented confildence intervals for μ/σ in a normal population Wijsman, R.A.
- Adaptive Statistical Procedures and Related Topics Sequential confidence intervals with beta-protection in one-parameter families Wijsman, R.A.
- The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.21 Minimax estimates of the mean of a normal distribution with unknown variance Wolfowitz, J.