운동과 지방대사

Exercise and Lipid Metabolism

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01




  1. J Lipid Res v.21 Control of endogenous triglyceride breakdown in the mouse diapragm Abumrad NA;Tepperman HM;Tepperman J.
  2. J Biol Chem v.256 no.17 Mechanisms of long chain fatty acid permeation in the isolated adipocyte Abumrad NA;Perkins RC;Park JH;Park CR.
  3. Science v.220 Glucose stimulation of the antilipolytic effect of insuine in humans Arner P;Bolinder J;Ostman J.
  4. Am J Physiol v.255 Microdialysis of adipose tissue and blood for in vivo lipolysis studies Arner P;Bolinder J;Eliasson A;Lundin A;Ungerstedt U.
  5. J Clin Invest v.85 Adrenergic regluration of lipolysis in situ at rest and during exercise Arner P;Kriegholm E;Engfeldt P;Bolinder J.
  6. Am J Physiol v.225 Substrate depletion in different fiber types of muscles and liver during pro-longed running Baldwin KM;Reitman JS;Terjung RL;Winder WW;Holloszy JO.
  7. Am J Physiol v.223 no.1 Intramuscular lipid store utilization by con-tracting dog skeletal muscle in situ Barclay JK;Stainsby WN.
  8. J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.97 The removal of bromosulphthalein from blood plasma by the liver of the rat Brauer RW;Pessotti RL.
  9. FEBS Lett v.146 Effects of hormones on the rate of the triacylglycerol/fatty acid substrate cycle in adipocytes and epididymal fat pads Brooks B;Arch JRS;Newsholme EA.
  10. Pflugers Arch v.363 Adipose tissue blood flow during prolonged, heavy exercise Bulow J;Madsen J.
  11. Pflugers Arch v.376 Human adipose tissue blood flow during prolonged exercise Ⅱ Bulow J;Madsen J.
  12. Can. J Spt Sci v.12 Regulation of lipid mobilization in exercise Bulow J.
  13. Am J Physiol v.261 Glucose regulation of lipid metabolism in humans Carlson MG;Snead WL;Hill JO;Nurjahan N;Campbell PJ.
  14. Diabetes v.31 The effect of hyperinsulinemia on glucose homeostasis druing moderate exercise in man Chisholm DJ;Jenkins AB;James DE;Kreagen EW.
  15. J Appl Physiol v.66 no.2 Effects of β₁-vs. β₁+β₂-blockade on exercise endurance and muscle metabolism in humans Cleroux J;Van Nguyen P;Taylor AW;Leenen FHH.
  16. Acta Physiol Scand v.89 Glycogen depletion patten in haman muscle fibers during distance running Costill DL;Gollnick PD;Jansson E;Saltin B;Stein EM.
  17. J Clin Invest v.58 Free fatty acid oxidation by forearm muscle at rest, and evidence for an intramuscular lipid pool in the human forearm Dagenais GR;Tancredi RG;Zierler KL.
  18. Ann NY Acad Sci v.301 Intramuscular substrate utilization during prolonged exercise Essen B.
  19. Acta Physiol Scand v.454 Studies on the regulation of metabolism in human skeletal muscle using intermittent exericse as an experimental model Essen, B.
  20. Eur J Appl Physiol v.61 Glycogen and triglyceride utilization in relation to muscle metabolic characteristics in men performing heavy-resistance exercise Essen-Gustavsson B;Tesch P.
  21. J Lipid Res v.24 Adrenergic regulation of adipocyte metabolism Fain JN;Garcia-Sainz JA.
  22. N Engl J Med v.293 Fuel homeoatasis in exercise Felig P;Wahren J.
  23. Acta Physiol Scand v.81 The effect of lactate in canine subcutaneous adipose tissue in situ Fredholm BB.
  24. Metabolism v.20 no.7 Effect of acute exercise on tissue lipids in rats Froberg SO.
  25. Muscie metabolism during exercise Local lipid stores and exercise Froberg SO;Carlson LA;Ekelund LG;Pernow B(ed.);Saltin B(ed.)
  26. J Appl Physiol v.38 no.1 Glucagon and plasma catecholamine responses to graded and prolonged exercise in man Galbo H;Holst JJ;Christensen NJ.
  27. J Appl Physiol v.40 no.6 Glucagon and plasma catecholamines during beta-receptor blockade in exercising man Galbo H;Holst JJ;Christensen NJ;Hilsted J.
  28. Acta Physiol Scand v.101 Gatecholamines and pancreatic hormones during autonomic blockade in exercising man Galbo H;Christensen NJ;Holst JJ.
  29. Acta Physiol Scand v.107 The effect of different diets and of insulin on the hormonal response to prolonged exercise Galbo H;Holst JJ;Christensen NJ.
  30. Hormonal and metabolic adaptation to exercise v.1983 Galbo H.
  31. Muscle metabolism during exercise Mwtabolism of free fatty acids and ketone bodies in skeletal muscle Hagenfeldt L;Wahren J;Pernow B(ed.);Saltin B(ed.)
  32. Fed Proc v.34 no.13 Turnover of individual free fatty acids in man Hagenfeldt L.
  33. Biochem Soc Symp v.43 Hormonal control of adipose tissue lipoly-sis Hales CN;Luzio JP;Liddle K.
  34. J Appl Physiol v.23 no.1 Uptake and release of free fatty acids and other metabolites in the legs of exercising men Havel RJ;Pernow B;Jones NL.
  35. J Appl Physiol v.56 no.4 Adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise and their metabolic consequences Holloszy JO;Coyle EF.
  36. J Appl Physiol v.68 no.1 Effect of electrical stimulation on intracellular triac-ylglycerol in isolatedskeletal muscle Hopp JF;Palmer WK.
  37. J Appl Physiol v.68 no.6 Electrical stimulation alters fatty acid metabolism in isolated skeletal muscle Hopp Jf;Palmer WK.
  38. J Appl Physiol v.60 no.2 Muscle triglyceride utilitzation during exercise, effect of training Hurley BF;Nemeth PM;Martin WH;III Hagberg JM;Dalsky GP;Holloszy JO
  39. Am J Physiol v.205 no.4 Effect of exercise on FFA metabolism of pancreatectomized dogs Issekutz B;Jr Miller HI;Rodahl K
  40. J Appl Physiol v.44 Role of beta-adrenergic receptors in mobilization of energy sources in exercising dogs Issekutz B, Jr.
  41. J Clin Invest v.84 Effects of insulin and exercise on muscle lipoprotein lipase activity in man and its relation to insulin action Kiens B;Lithell H;Mikines KJ;Richter EA
  42. J Physiol v.469 Skeletal muscle substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in man, effect of enddurance training Kiens B;Essen-Gustavsson B;Christensen NJ;Saltin B.
  43. Acta Physiol Scand v.105 Lipoprotein-lipase activ-ity of human skeletal-muscle and adipose tissue after intensive physical exercise Lithell H;Hellsing K;Lundqvist G;Malmberg P.
  44. Acta physiol Scand v.107 Changes in lipopro-tein-lipase activity and lipid stores in human skeletal muscle wuth prolonged heavy exercise Lithell H;Orlander J;Schele R;Sjodin B;Karlsson J.
  45. J Appl Physiol v.49 no.5 Uptake ofchylomicron triglycerides by contracting skeletal muscle in rats Mackie BG;Dudley GA;Kaciuba-Uscilko H;Terjung RL.
  46. Acta Physiol Scand v.127 Inhibition of fatty acid mobilization by arterial free fatty acid concentration Madsen J;Bulow J;Nielsen NE.
  47. J Clin Invest v.81 Hormonal control of substrate cycling in humans Miyoshi H;Shulman GI;Peters EJ;Wolfe MH;Elahi D;Wolfe RR.
  48. Biochemistry for the medical sciences Newshoolme EA;Leech AR.
  49. Scand. J Clin Invest v.35 Extraction of endogenous plasma triglycerides by the working human forearm muscle in the fasting state Olsson AG;Eklund B;Kaijser L;Carlson LA.
  50. J Appl Physiol v.52 Lipoprotein lipase hydrolyzes en-dogenous triacylglycerols in muscles of exercised rats Oscai LB;Caruso RA;Wergeles AC.
  51. Med Sci Sports Exerc v.15 no.4 hormone-sensitive lipase hydrolyzes endogenous triacyl-glycerols in muscle in exercised rats Oscai LB;Type L.
  52. Ann Rev Nutr v.9 Mechanisms of cellular uptake of free fatty acids Potter BJ;Sorrention D;Berk PD.
  53. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.142 no.2 Intramuscular triglyceride utilization by red, white, and intermediate skeletal muscle and heart during exhausting exercise Reitman J;Baldwin KM;Holloszy JO.
  54. Eur J Appl Physiol v.52 Muscle and liver glycogen, protein, and triglyceride in the rat. Effect of exercise and of the sympatho-adrenal system Richer EA;Sonne B;Mikines KJ;Ploug T;Galbo H.
  55. Can. J Physiol Pharmacol v.57 Regulation of lipid metabolism in adipose tissue and heart Severson DL.
  56. J Appl Physiol v.39 Issekutz, Interrelationship of FFA and glycerol turnovers in resting and exercising dogs Shaw WAS;Iessekutz TB.
  57. J Clin Invest v.84 At physiologic albumin/ oleate concentrations oleate uptake by isolated hepatocytes, cardiac myocytes, and adipocytes is a saturable function of the unbound oleate concentration. Uptake kinrtics are consistent with the conventional theory Sorrentino D;Robinson RB;Kiang CL;Berk PD.
  58. Biochem v.10 Analysis of long-chain free fatty acid binding to bovine serum albumin by determination of stepwise equilibrium constants Spector AA;Fletcher JF;Ashbrook JD.
  59. FEBS Lett v.244 no.1 On the role of fatty acid binding proteins in fatty acid transport and metabolism Spener F;Borchers T;Mukherjea M.
  60. J Appl Physiol v.60 no.2 Endogenous triacylglycerol utilization by rat skeletal muscle during tetanic stimulation Spriet LL;Heigenhauser GJF;Jones NL.
  61. Eur J Appl Physiol v.40 no.1 Effect of decreased availability of substrates on intramuscular triglyceride utilization during exercise Stankiewicz-Choroszucha B;Gorski J.
  62. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA v.83 Hepatocellular uptake of oleate is energy dependent, sodium linked, and inhibited by an antibody to a hepato-cyte plasma membrane fatty acid binding protien Stremmel W;Strohmryer G;Berk PD.
  63. Artery v.6 no.6 Effect of acute vigorous exercise on lipoprotein lipase activity of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in physically active men Taskinen MR;Nikkila EA;Rehunen S;Gordin A.
  64. J Appl Physiol v.52 Chylomicron triglyceride metabolism in resting exercise fed dogs Terjung RL;Budohoski L;Nazar K;Kobryn A;Kaciuba-Uscilko, H.
  65. Diabetes/Metabolism Rev v.2 Lipid metabolism during exercise, influence of training Terjung RL;Kaciuba-Uscilko H.
  66. Med Sport Sci v.26 Acute and long-term metabolic changes cinsequent to heavy resistance exercise Tesch PA.
  67. J Lipid Res v.14 Intramuscular energy sources in dogs during physical work Therriault DG;Beller GA;Smoake JA;Hartley LH.
  68. Am J Physiol v.262 Increased plasma FFA uptake and oxidation during prolonged exercise in trained vs. untrained humans Turcotte LP;Richter EA;Kiens B.
  69. J Clin Invest v.55 Splanchnic and leg exchange of glucose, amino acids and free fatty acids during exercise in diabetes mellitus Wahren J;Harenfeldt L;Felig P.
  70. J Clin Invest v.73 Turnover and splanchnic metabolism of free fatty acids and ketones in insulin dependent diabetics at rest and in response to exercise Wahren J;Sato Y;Ostman J;Hagenfeldt L;Felig P.
  71. Am J Physiol v.253 Acute adaptation in adrenergic control of lipolysis during physical exercise in humans Wahrenberg H;Engfeldt P;Bolinder J;Amer P.
  72. Eur J Clin Invest v.21 Adrenergic regulation of lipolysis in human fat cells during exercise Wahrenberg H;Bolinder J;Arner P.
  73. Am J Physiol v.252 Effect of short-term fasting on lipolytic reponsiveness in normal and obese human subjects Wolfe RR;Peters EJ;Klein S;Holland OB;Rosenblatt J;Gary H, Jr
  74. Am J Physiol v.258 Role of triglyceride-fatty acid cycle in controlling fat metabolism in humans during and after exercise Wolfe RR;Klein S;Carraro F;Weber J-M.