Design Model of Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Management of Non-point Source Pollution in Rural Watersheds

농촌유역의 비점원 오염 수질관리를 위한 인공습지 설계모형

  • 최인욱 (서울대학교 대학원) ;
  • 권순국 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • Published : 2002.09.01


As an useful water purification system for non-point source pollution in rural watersheds, interests in constructed wetlands are growing at home and abroad. It is well known that constructed wetlands are easily installed, no special managemental needs, and more flexible at fluctuating influent loads. They have a capacity for purification against nutrient materials such as phosphorus and nitrogen causing eutrophication of lentic water bodies. The Constructed Wetland Design Model (CWDM), developed through this study is consisted mainly of Database System, Runoff-discharge Prediction Submodel, Water Quality Prediction Submodel, and Area Assessment Submodel. The Database System includes data of watershed, discharge, water quality, pollution source, and design factors for the constructed wetland. It supplies data when predicting water quality and calculating the required areas of constructed wetlands. For the assessment of design flow, the GWLF (Generalized Watershed Loading Function) is used, and for water quality prediction in streams estimating influent pollutant load, Water Quality Prediction Submodel, that is a submodel of DSS-WQMRA model developed by previous works is amended. The calculation of the required areas of constructed wetlands is achieved using effluent target concentrations and area calculation equations that developed from the monitoring results in the United States. The CWDM is applied to Bokha watershed to appraise its application by assessing design flow and predicting water quality. Its application is performed through two calculations: one is to achieve each target effluent concentrations of BOD, SS, T-N and T-P, the other is to achieve overall target effluent concentrations. To prove the validity of the model, a comparison of unit removal rates between the calculated one from this study and the monitoring result from existing wetlands in Korea, Japan and United States was made. As a result, the CWDM could be very useful design tool for the constructed wetland in rural watersheds and for the non-point source pollution management.



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