이동 통신망에 있어서 새로운 셀 체류시간 모형화에 따른 최적 이동성 관리

Optimal Mobility Management of PCNs Using Two Types of Cell Residence Time

  • 홍정식 (서울산업대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 장인갑 (서울대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 이창훈 (서울대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


This study investigates two basic operations of mobility management of PCNs (Personal Communication Networks), i.e., the location update and the paging of the mobile terminal. From the realistic consideration that a user either moves through several cells consecutively or stays in a cell with long time, we model the mobility pattern by introducing two types of CRT (Cell Residence Time). Mobility patterns of the mobile terminal are classified Into various ways by using the ratios of two types of CRT. Cost analysis is performed for distance-based and movement-based location update schemes combined with blanket polling paging and selective paging scheme. It is demonstrated that in a certain condition of mobility pattern and call arrival pattern, 2-state CRT model produces different optimal threshold and so, is more effective than IID ( Independently-Identically-Distributed) CRT model. An analytical model for the new CRT model is compact and easily extendable to the other location update schemes.



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  22. IEEE Personal Communications v.4 no.4 Mobility modeling in third-gneration mobile telecommunications systems Markoulidakis J.G.;G.L. Lyberopoulos;D.F. Tsirkas;E.D. Sykas
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  27. IEICE Trans. Commun. v.E84-B no.4 Vehicle Motions in Large and Small Cities and Teletraffic Characterization in Cellular Communication Systems Saitoh K.;H. Hidaka;N. Sshinagawa;T. Kobayashi
  28. Wireless networks v.5 A selective locatiion update strategy for PCS users Sanjoy K.S.;A. Bhattacharya;S. K. Das
  29. IEICE Trans. Commun. v.E83-B no.8 Diffusion Model for Multimedia and Mobile Traffic Based on Population Process for Active Users in a Micro-Cell Shinomiya S.;M. Aida;K. Saitoh;N. Shinagawa;T. Kobayashi
  30. IEEE Network v.14 no.5 Location Management for Next-Generation Personal Communications Networks Wong V.W.S.;V.C.M. Leung
  31. IEEE Journal Selected Areas In Communications v.19 no.10 An adaptive Distance-Based Location Update Algorithms for Next-Generation PCS Networks Wong V.W.S.;V.C.M. Leung