- Research Report Effect of Scale and Depth of Embedment for Footings in Sand Barfnecht, J.;Briaud J.-L.
- The Pressuremeter Briaud J.-L.;A. A. Balkema
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.127 no.2 Multiflood and Multilayer Method for Scour Rate Prediction at Bridge Piers Briaud J.-L.;Chen H.-C.;Kwak K.;Han S.;Ting F.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.125 no.9 Behavior of Five Large Spread Footings in Sand Briaud J.-L.;Gibbens R. M.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.125 no.2 Tieback Walls in Sand: Numerical Simulation and Design Implications Briaud J.-L.;Lim Y.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.127 no.2 Erosion Function Apparatus for Scour Rate Predictions Briaud J.-L.;Ting F.;Chen H.C.;Cao Y.;Han S.-W.;Kwak K.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.123 no.12 Bitumen Selection for Downdrag in Piles Briaud, J.L.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.123 no.10 SALLOP: Simple Approach for Lateral Loads on Piles Briaud, J.L.
- Large Scale Load Tests and Data Base of Spread Footings on Sand Briaud, J-L.;Gibbens, R. M.
- Predicted and Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on Sand Briaud, J-L.(Ed.);Gibbens, R. M.(Ed.)
- Settlement '94 Specialty Conference v.2 Load Settlement Curve Method for Spread Footings on Sand Briaud, J.-L.;Jeanjean
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.124 no.1 Beam Column Method for Tieback Walls Briaud, J.L.;Kim, N.K.
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering v.125 no.4 SRICOS: Prediction of Scour Rate in Cohesive Soils at Bridge Piers Briaud, J.-L.;Ting, F.C.K.;Chen, H.C.;Gudavalli, R.;Perugu, S.;Wei, G.
- NCHRP Report 393, Transportation Research Board Design and Construction Guidelines for Downdrag on Uncoated and Bitumen-Coated Piles Briaud, J.L;Tucker, L.M.
- F.A.E.R.1.17.020, L.R.E.P. Melun.31/12/90 Catalogue des essais de chargement de fondations superficielles realises sur sites pat les L.P.C. (1978-1990) Canepa, Y.;Despresles, D.
- Ph.D. Dissertation Load Settlement Curve Method for Footings in Sand at Various Depths, under Eccentric or Inclined Loads, and Near Slopes Hossain, K.M.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal no.22 Allowable Pressure from Loading Tests on Kuwaiti Soils Ismael, N. F.
- Ph.D. Dissertation Load Settlement Curve Method for Spread Footings on Sand From the Pressurmeter Test Jeanjean, P.
- Base de Donnees de Fondations Superficielles SHALDB: Essais des Laboratorie Central des Ponts et Shaussees Khebib, Y.;Canepa, Y.;Magnan, M.-P.
- Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Soil Mechnics and Geotechnical Engineering v.3 SRICOS: Computer Program for Bridge Pier Scour Kwak K.;Briaud J.-L.;Chen H.-C.
- Ph.D. Dissertation Three Dimensional Non Linear Finte Element Analysis of Tieback Walls and Soil nailed Walls under piled Bridge Abutment Lim, Y.
- personal communication by fax dated 9-27-95 Lutenegger, A.
- Transaction of the American Socirty of Civil Engineers v.66 Friction Factors for Pipe Flow Moody L.F.
- Proceedings of Centrifuge '88 Experimental Determination of Bearing Capacity in Sand by Centrifuge Footing Tests Pu, J.-L.;Ko, H.-Y.;J.-P. Corte(Ed.)
- Good Advice Safir L.;Safire W.
- 현장기술자를 위한 말뚝기초 세미나 시리즈 기초설계기준의 국제표준화 및 한계상태 설계법 윤길림
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- 항만 및 어항시설에 대한 내진설계 표준서 해양수산부
- Application of International Standards to the Design of Port and Habor Facilities in Japan and Associated Problems Yamamoto, Shuji
- Proceeding of International workshop on Advanced Design of Maritime Structure in the 21st Century Approach to performance based foundation Design code in Japan Y. Kikuchi;Y. Honjo;O. Kusaksbe