- 대한토목학회논문집 v.15 no.3 복합면 마찰계수 유동훈
- 한국수자원학회지 v.28 no.5 균일조도관의 양해법 설계 기준식 유동훈
- 유체역학의 공학원리 유동훈
- 대한토목학회 논문집 v.16 no.Ⅱ-1 상용관 마찰흐름에 관한 실험연구 유동훈;한상호
- J. Inst. Civil Eng. v.11 Turbulent flow in pipes, with particular reference to the transition region between the smooth and rough pipe laws Colebrook;C.F.
- ASCE v.44 no.6 Direct determination of pipe size Li;W.-H.
- Trans. ASME. v.66 Friction factors for pipe flow Moody;L.F.
- Ver. Dtsch. Ing. Forsch. no.356 Gesetmassigkeiten der turbulent Stromung in galtten Rohren Nikuradse;J.
- Ver. Dtsch. Ing. Forsch. no.361 Str mungsgesetze in rauhen Rohren Nikuradse;J.
- Z. Angew. Math. Mech. v.5 no.2 Bericht uber Undersuchungen zur ausgebildeten Turbulenz Prandtl;L.
- Hydraulics Simon;A.L.
- Journal of Hydraulic Div., Proc. ASCE. Explicit equations for pipe-flow problems Swamee;P.K.;Jain;A.K.
- Hydraulic Tables Williams;G.S.;Hazen;A.
- Barr