• 발행 : 2002.09.01


We provide local and semilocal theorems for the convergence of Newton-like methods to a locally unique solution of an equation in a Banach space. The analytic property of the operator involved replaces the usual domain condition for Newton-like methods. In the case of the local results we show that the radius of convergence can be enlarged. A numerical example is given to justify our claim . This observation is important and finds applications in steplength selection in predictor-corrector continuation procedures.



  1. Appl. Math. Letters v.10 no.4 Improved error bounds for Newton-like iterations under Chen-Yamamoto assumptions I.K. Argyros
  2. Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-Line v.4 no.8 Local convergence theorems for Newton's method using outer or generalized inverses and m-Frechet differentiable operators I.K. Argyros
  3. J. Comput. Appl. Math. v.131 no.1-2 A Newton-Kantorovich theorem for equations involving m-Frechet differentiable operators and applications in radiative transfer I.K. Argyros
  4. The Theory and Applications of Iterations Methods I.K. Argyros;F. Szidarovszky
  5. SIAM J. Numer, Anal v.24 no.2 A local convergence theory for combined inexact-Newton/finite-difference projection methods P.N. Brown
  6. J. Comp. Appl. Math v.79 A new semilocal convergence theorem for Newton's method J.M. Gutierrez
  7. Functional Analysis L. V. Kantorovich;G.P. Akilov
  8. SIAM J. Optimiz. Th. Applic v.63 no.3 On Q-order and R-order of convergence F.A. Potra
  9. Polish Academy of Science v.3 An adaptive continuation process for solving systems of nonlinear equations W. C. Rheinboldt
  10. Appl. Math. Letters v.1 no.1 On a theorem of S. Smale about Newton's method for analytic mappings W.C. Rheinboldt
  11. The Merging Disciplines: New Directions in Pure, Applied and Computational Mathematics Newton's method estimates from data at one point S. Smale;R.E. Ewing(eds);K.I. Gross(eds);C.F. Clyde(eds.)
  12. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. v.21 no.3 Local convergence of inexact Newton methods T. J. Ypma