Computer simulations are widely used to analyze passenger safety in simulated traffic accidents. ATB, Articulated Total Body, is a computer simulation model developed to predict gross human body response to such dynamic environments as vehicle crashes and pilot ejections. ATB, whose code is open, has high flexibility and application capability that users can easily insert defined modules and functions. ATB is, however, inconvenient as it was coded in FORTRAN and it needs a formated input file. Moreover, it takes much time to make input files and to modify coding errors. This study aims to increase user friendliness by adding a preprocessor program, WINATB(WINdows ATB), to the conventional ATB. WINATB, programmed in Visual C++ and OpenGL, uses ATB IV as a dynamic solver. The preprocessor helps users prepare input files through graphic interface and dialog box. An additional postprocessor makes the graphical presentation of simulated results. In these case of the frontal crash, the rear impact and the side impact, the simulation results obtained by WINATB and MADYMO(MAthematical Dynamic Model) are compared to validate the effectiveness of WINAIB.