- Biometrika v.65 A model for assocition in bivariate life tables and its application in epidemiological studies of familial endency in chronic disease incidence Clayton, D.G.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, v.34 Regression models and life tables (with discussion) Cox, D. R.
- Investigative Ophthalmology and visual science v.21 Diabetic retinopathy study Diabetic Retinopathy Study Group
- Counting Processes and Survival Analysis Fleming, T. R.;Harrington, D. P.
- Statistica Sinica v.5 Group sequential methods for survival data using partial score processes with covariate adjustment Gu, M.;Ying, Z.
- Biometrika v.83 no.4 A Generalisation of the Mantel-Haenszel test to bivariate failure time Hsu, L.;Prentice, R.L.
- Biometrics v.45 Modelling paired survival data with covariates Huster, W.J.;Brookmeyer,R.;Self, S.G.
- The Korean Communication in Statistics v.5 Application of covariance process to tests for censored paired data Jeong, G.
- Lifetime Data Analysis v.5 no.1 Rank tests for matched survival data Jung, S.
- Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data Klein, J.P.;Moeschberger, M.L.
- Biometrika v.84 Robust covariate-adjusted logrank tests Kong, F.H.;Slud, E.
- Biometrika v.70 A modified Wilcoxon rank sum test for paired data Lam, F.C.;Longnecker, M.T.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.88 Linear regression analysis for highly stratified failure time data Lee, E.W.;Wei, L.J.;Ying, Z.
- Biometrika v.79 Sequential log rank tests adjusting for covariates with the accelerated life model Lin, D.Y.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.84 The robust inference for the Cox proportional hazard model Lin, D.Y.;Wei, L.J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.94 A general theory on stochastic curtailment for censored survival data Lin, D.Y.;Yao, Q.;Ying, Z.
- Cancer Research v.37 Mantel-haenszel analysis of litter-matched time-to response data, with modifications for recovery of interlitter information Mantel, N.;Bohidar, N.R.;Ciminera, J.L.
- Biometrika v.54 Testing for Correlation between Non-negative Variates Moran, P.A.P.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, v.B no.44 A model for association in bivariate survival data Oakes, D.
- Biometrika v.43 A paired Prentice-Wilcoxon test for censored paired data O'Brien, P.C.;Fleming, T.R.
- Biometrika v.78 Relative efficiency of the log rank test within a multiplicative intensity model Slud, E.
- Biometrika v.72 Group sequential tests with censored survival data adjusting for covariates Tsiatis, A.A.;Rosner,G.L.;Tritchler D.L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.84 Regression analysis if multivariate incomplete failure time data by modelling marginal distribution Wei, L.J.;Lin, D.Y.;Weissfeld, L.