The Analysis of General and Apparel Color Preference and Apparel Possession Color

일반색. 의복색 선호도와 의복색 소유도의 특성 및 차이

  • Published : 2002.08.01


This study intended to provide more refined information on color preferences by systematizing the concept of the color preference(general color preference, apparel color preference) and revealing different trends in the color preference and the actual possession of apparels. We collected data from 303 females in the ages between 20 and 40 in Seoul and analyzed by paired t-test. The results were as follows: 1. The analysis on general color preference, apparel color preference, and apparel possession color revealed that the cold colors such as blue and violet marked higher, and the warm colors such as yellow and orange marked lower in general color preference. For apparel color preference, neutral and brown were among the highest and the rest of the colors were in the same trend as general color preference. Apparel possession color showed defined accordance with apparel color preference. In terms of tones, pale tone marked the highest in general color preference and was followed by vivid, dull, and dark tones in decreasing order. For apparel color preference, pastel, dul1, and dark tones were among the highest. 2. Comparison between general color preference and apparel color preference in terms of hue showed that, except for orange, every hue showed disagreement in general color preference and apparel color preference. Neutral and brown hues marked higher in apparel color preference than in general color preference where as a]1 the other hues marked higher in general color preference. Comparison between apparel color preference and apparel possession color in terms of hue revealed that in most hues, apparel possession color was lower than apparel color preference. In terms of tones, vivid and pale tones marked higher in general color preference than in apparel color preference while dull and dark tones marked higher in apparel color preference than in general color preference.



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