A Study on the Current Nutrition Labelling Practices for Processed Foods

시판 가공식품의 영양표시 실태조사

  • 이현정 (한국보건산업진흥원 품질평가센터) ;
  • 정해랑 (한국보건산업진흥원 품질평가센터) ;
  • 장영애 (한국보건산업진흥원 보건의료사업단)
  • Published : 2002.08.01


This study examined the status of current nutrition labelling and claims for the processed foods that were purchased in the supermarket. They were assessed in the aspects of frequency and content of nutrition labelling and claims. The results are summarized as follows; The percentage of products contain the nutrition labelling or claims of processed foods of investigation were 18.7% and 18.8% respectively. In the nutrition labelling method, the format separated by expression contents with 'only liability indication nutrient'or 'liability indication nutrients plus discretion indication nutrients' were 44.7% and 43.4% respectively. In the case of type and title, 'table' and 'nutrition composition'were used most frequently, 83.9% and 83.2% respectively. And in the case of expression unit, 'per 100 g or 100 ml'was higher (56.8%) than others. Nutrition claims were divided into 'nutrition content claim'and 'comparative claim', in the former the most claim was 'containing'and in the other'more or plus'used most frequently.'Nutrient function claim'was 13.4% and 'Implied nutrient claim'was 7.3% of all the claims. Results of the evaluation of current nutrition labeling system, nutrition labelling was less advanced and variable in content and format and also the information was not easy for consumers to understand and use them. To support achievement of the nutrition label, there must be program and initiatives for better understanding and communication and guidances on food labelling and nutrition for food manufactures.



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