A Study of the Operation of Contract Food Service Management and Menu Preferences of Middle School Students in Seoul

서울 시내 위탁운영 중학교 급식의 운영현황 및 메뉴 기호도 조사

  • 한경수 (경기대학교 관광학부 외식, 조리학과) ;
  • 홍숙현 (경기대학교 서비스경영전문대학원)
  • Published : 2002.08.01


This research was to investigate the operation of contracted food service management and menu preferences of middle school students in Seoul. Questionnaires were distributed between Dec. 1 and 20,2000 in 10 middle schools. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS package, including the mean, standard deviation and frequency analysis. The results can be summarized as follows: The average number of meals per middle school was 1,000 and only lunch was served in each school. In terms of facilities and equipment, low rates of the possession of cooking equipment and food carts were the major hindrance to work and production efficiency. The students' main demands were taste, sanitation, variety of food, the introduction of brand foods, the price of foods, and the speed of reaction to their dissatisfaction. Most of the schools provided rice for lunch, while the students preferred noodles, mandu and bread. beef-rib soup was preferred to broth. for side dishes, fish, roasted meat and fried foods were highly favored, along with processed foods, with low preferences for vegetables. The middle school students favored fruits. Lastly, they requested that the quality of school meals be improved through the development and supply of various desserts.



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