Anthropometric Data, Nutrient Intakes and Food Sources in Overweight and Obese Korean Adult Women

  • Kim, Soon-Hee (Department of Nutrition, The Catholic University Saint Mary Hospital, Seoul, Korea Major of Food and Nutrition, The Catholic University) ;
  • Son, Sook-Mee (Department of Nutrition, The Catholic University Saint Mary Hospital, Seoul, Korea Major of Food and Nutrition, The Catholic University)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


This study was conducted to investigate the dietary intake, anthropometric data, and association between two factors and main food sources contributing macronutrients for overweight and obese females. Subjects were 85 adult females (overweight : 28, obese 57) where mean age was 38.7y. The results are summarized as follows. Mean fat percent, BMI, obesity rate were 29.3, 23.9 and 15.1%, respectively for overweight women and 32.7, 28.3, 36.4%, respectively for obese women. There were significant differences for most of the anthropometric data between groups. Fat percent for all subjects was significantly correlated with weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, mid arm circumference or skinfold thickness for the triceps, subscapular and suprailiac (p < 0.001). The parameter which showed the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.6156) with fat Percentage was the waist to hip ratio. Any significant differences were not found in dietary intake of nutrients or in diet composition between groups. The mean energy intake was 2090.1kcal (104% of RDA) for overweight women and 2113.0kcal (106% of RDA) for obese women. PFC ratio for overweight was 17 : 24 : 59 and 18 : 23 : 58 for obese subjects, which can be regarded as higher fat and lower carbohydrate percentages compared to recommended PFC ratio (15 20 65) .4) Fat intake was positively correlated (r : 0.2301, p < 0.05) with the triceps skinfold thickness, protein intake was also positively correlated with waist circumference (r=0.2668, p < 0.05) or fat weight(r: 0.2406, p < 0.05) .5) The main food items that contributed to energy intake for overweight or obese subjects were similar (rice, pork, bread, grapes, barley) except com oil in overweight or instant noodle for obese group. The subjects in this study were taking less energy from rice and more energy from pork and bread than women from 98 National Health and Nutrition Survey. Because there were no significant differences of dietary data between overweight and obese group, further investigation considering basal metabolic rate or activity would be needed.



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