Optimal Link Allocation and Revenue Maximization

  • Joutsensalo, Jyrki (Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Mathematical Information Technology, Agora, Mattilanniemi) ;
  • Hamalainen, Timo (Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Mathematical Information Technology, Agora, Mattilanniemi)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


In this paper, the maximal capacity of the data network link has attempted to be exploited by using the dynamic allocation strategy. We propose a new methodology based on the economic models for competing traffic classes (classes of sessions) in packet networks. As the demand for network services accelerates, users' satisfaction to the service level might decrease due to the congestion at the network nodes. To prevent this, efficient allocation of a networks resources, such as available bandwidth and switch capacity, is needed. By using the so-called user profile as well as the utility (e.g., data rate) functions, it is possible to allocate data rates and other utilities using the arbitrary number of QoS classes, say $0.01,...,$10.



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