MDO(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) methodology is a new technology to solve a complicate design problem with a large number of design variables and constraints. The design of a dental implant system is a typical complicate problem, and so it requires the MDO methodology. Actually, several analyses such as rigid body dynamic analysis and structural stress analysis etc. should be carried out in the MDO methodology application to the design of a dental implant system. In this paper, as a first step of MDO methodology application to the design of a dental implant system, the impact force which is applied on the tooth in masticating is calculated through the rigid body dynamic analysis of upper and lower jaw-bones. This analysis is done using ADAMS. The impact force calculated through the rigid body dynamic analysis can be used for the structural stress analysis of a dental implant system which is needed for the design of a dental implant system. In addition, the rigid body dynamic analysis results also show that the impact time decreases as the impact force increases, the largest impact force occurs on the front tooth, and the impact force is almost normal to the tooth surface with a slight tangential force.