In this paper, a path navigation algorithm through use of a sensor platform is proposed. The sensor platform is composed of two electric motors which make panning and tilting motions. An algorithm for computing a real path and an obstacle length is developed by using a scanning method that controls rotation of the sensors on the platform. An Autonomous Robot Vehicle(ARV) can perceive the given path by adapting this algorithm. A sensor scanning method is applied to the sensor platform for using small numbers of sensor. The path navigation algorithm is composed of two parts. One is to perceive a path pattern, the other is used to avoid an obstacle. An optimal controller is designed for tracking the reference path which is generated by perceiving the path pattern. The ARV is operated using the optimal controller and the path navigation algorithm. Based on the results of actual experiments, this algorithm for an ARV proved sufficient for path navigation by small number of sensors and for a low cost controller by using the sensor platform with a scanning method.