안전한 정보보호 인프라 제공을 위한 글로벌 네트워크 보안제어 프레임워크

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01




  1. DMTF Specification, White Paper : CIM(Core Information Model) for CIM Schema Release 2.4, 2000.5 (http://www.dmtf.org)
  2. J. Strassner, E. Ellesson, B. Moore, and A. Westerinen, 'Policy Core Information Model Version 1 Specification', RFC 3060, February 2001
  3. B. Moore, L. Raberg, Y. Snir, J. strassner, A. Westerinen, R. Chdha, M. Brunner, and R. Cohen, 'Policy Core Information Model Extensions', work in progress, , April 2001
  4. 안개일, '정책기반 네트워크 관리구조에서 PCIM 정책전달 방안', NCS2001
  5. RFC 2753, 'A Framework for Policy based Admission Control', Jan. 2000
  6. RFC 2401, 'Security Architecture for the Internet Protoco', Nov. 1998
  7. Introduction to Policy Based Networking & QoS, White paper, http://www.iphighway.com
  8. Young-Jun Heo, et al., 'Architecture of Security Policy Agent for applying Security Policy Model'. COMSW2001, pp, 193-197, 2001
  9. RFC 2748, 'The COPS(Common Open Policy Service) protocol', Jan, 2000
  10. K. Chan, et al., 'COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning (COPS-PR)', RFC3084, March 2001
  11. 윤승용, '보안정책 정보 전달을 위한 COPS Security프로토콜', 추계정보과학회 학술대회, 2001.10
  12. S. Northcutt, M. Cooper, M. Fearnow, and K. Frederick, 'Intrusion Signature and Analysis,' new riders, 2000
  13. Byoung Koo Kim, D.S. Kim, and Tai M. Chung, 'A Design of Integrated Intrusion Detection Systems in a Large Scale Network Environment', APNOMS 2000, pp. 187-197, Nara, Japan, Oct., 2000