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Effects of Electroacupuncture on Intestinal Motility in Dogs

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The effects of electroacupuncture on small intestinal motility in dogs were investigated. The acupoints used in the experiment were Shao Ze (SI-1), Hou Xi. (SI-3), Yang Lao (SI-6), Zhi Zheng (SI-7) and Xiao Hai (SI-8) which belong to small intestine meridian, Xiao Chang Shu (BL-27) which belongs to urinary bladder meridian, and Guan Yuan (CV-4) which belongs to conception vessel meridian. The anupoints were stimulated with 2-4 volt and 5 Hz for 20 minutes Electroacupuncture at Shao Ze, Yang Lao, and Xiao Hai acupoints increased the intestinal motility, but at Guan Yuan decreased the motility. The acupuncture at Hou Xi, Zhi Zheng and Xiao Chang Shu acupoints showed an increase or decrease of the intestinal movement. The results indicate that the electroacupuncture at Guan Yuan acupoint may depress intestinal motility in cases such as vomiting or diarrhea, and the acupuncture at Shao Ze, Yang Lao, and Xiao Hai acupoints to promote the motility in cases of digestive disturbance may be effective in veterinary practice.



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