인터넷을 통한 의복쇼핑에 대만 믿음, 태도, 구매의도: 카탈로그 소비자와 비소비자의 비교연구

Belief, Attitude and Buying Intention for Internet Apparel Shopping: Comparison of Catalog Shoppers and Non-catalog Shoppers

  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


The present study explored differences of catalog and non-catalog shoppers in their beliefs, attitude and buying intention in relation to Internet apparel shopping. Respondents of this study were 352 general consumers (145 non-catalog shoppers; 207 catalog shoppers) residing in the US. The t-test and chi-square analysis were used to study differences between the two groups. Differences between catalog shoppers and non-catalog shoppers were found in beliefs about and attitude toward Internet apparel shopping as well as apparel buying intention through the Internet. Also, catalog shoppers were less satisfied with apparel shopping through local shops than were non-catalog shoppers. However, no difference was found in income and education levels of the two groups.



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