절삭효과를 고려한 적응 교차축 연동제어 시스템

Adaptive Cross-Coupling Control System Considering Cutting Effects

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


In this study, the cross-coupling control (CCC) with three new features is proposed to maintain contour precision in high-speed nonlinear contour machining. One is an improved contour error model that provides almost exact calculation of the errors. Another is the utilization of variable controller gains based on the instantaneous curvature of the contour and the variable command. For this scheme, a stability is analyzed. As a result, the stability region is obtained, and the variable gains are decided within that region. The other scheme in the proposed CCC is a real-time feedrate adaptation module to regulate cutting force fur better surface finish through regulation of material removal rate (MRR). The simulation results show that the proposed CCC system can provide better precision than the existing method particularly in high-speed machining of nonlinear contours.



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