가계의 사교육비 지출과 경제적 복지

Private Education Expenditure for Children and Economic Well-being of Household

  • 이승신 (건국대학교 소비자·주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The issue of children′s education is the most important issue for all households in Korea. It is certain that the issue of private education for children is the first issue among household′s issues. This study is to recognize the current pictures of household primate education of Korean households. Also, whether the expenditure of private education effect the economic will-being of household. The data for this study was"the 3th Korean Labor Panal", conducted by Lobor in Korea. The sample was 1950 households from the panel data. The results of this study was as following: 1. The mean of monthly private education expenditure was 149273won for all households and 217,100won for households with high school students. 2. Almost 70% households had economic burden for private education expenditure. 0% households had no economic burden. 3. The factors of influencing the level of economic burden for private education were mother′s education level, mother′s job, the number of children, living location, monthly income, total asset of household′s. The factors of influencing the amount of monthly private education expenditure positively were living in 4. The economic well-being of household was analyzed by socio-economic variables, household′s financial variables, monthly private education expenditure, the level of economic burden of private education. The economic well-being were sub-categorized 4 divisions; the level of economic problem, the level of satisfaction for household′s income, the level of satisfaction for general living, the level of subject economic condition)



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