임대주택 입주자의 임대주택법대 대한 인식 및 읽은 경험 분석

Recognition and Reading Experience of the Rental Housing Law in Rental Housing Residents

  • 김숙향 (호남대학교 자연과학대학 생활과학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the degree of recognition and reading experience of the rental housing law in rental housing residents. The subjects of this study were 359 residents who lived in Gwang-Ju and who were surveyed by questionnaire in 2000. Data was analyzed with the statistical methods of frequency, percentage, mean and chi-square. The main results of this study were as follows: 1) About 64% of the residents knew the rental housing law 2) Degree of recognition about the rental housing law was significant on age, apartment size, housing rental deposit, and monthly rental fee. 3) About 92% of the residents didn't read the rental housing law. 4) Degree of reading about the rental housing law was not significant on the level of housing characteristics. If the residents knew about rental housing law, it might be prevented the damage from housing rental deposit refund debate, contract termination and rental housing company dishonor.



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