Estimating Retirement Consumption Needs Using Target Replacement Rate

목표 소득대체율을 통한 은퇴소비의 추정

  • 여윤경 (이화여자대학교 생활환경대학 소비자·인간발달학과 대우전임강사)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


This study estimates the consumption needs of preretired households through target replacement ratio approach. Based on the Life Cycle Model, this study used the household expenditure function to derive the target replacement ratio appropriate for each household. The target replacement ratio is estimated using the 1996 National Survey of family Income and Expenditure by National Statistical Office. The estimated target replacement ratio was 82.4% for married couple households, and 85.1% for single households. Total retirement consumption needs during entire retirement period was 161,620,000 won for married couple households, and 50,532,039 won for single households.



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