Development of Premarital Preparation Evaluation Scale

결혼준비도 척도 개발 연구-기혼 남.녀를 중심으로

  • 김혜선 (한국방송통신대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 신수아 (좋은만남 (주)선우 리서치팀)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for evaluation of premarital preparation. The subjects were 412 married couples(196 males and 216 females) who had been married for 1-37ears. They were selected from Seoul, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju, Pusan, and DaeGu. The questionnaire was composed of 82 items. The data was analyzed by frequencies, percentages, factor analysis, Pearson's r, and Cronbach'$\alpha$. The major findings were as followings; 1. The 54 items of 82 items scale were selected through item discriminant method. The discriminant coefficients of the items(Cromer's V ranged from .33 to .68. 2. The 7 factors that were extracted from the factor analysis explained 42% of premarital preparation. The subscales were labelled as rearing child$.$financial management role division, maturity, understanding each other$.$love$.$sex, views about marriage, understanding his/her family and friends, capacity of communication and conflict resolution, and independence from parents. The criterion validity of this scale was assessed by the correlation between this premarital preparation scale and marital stability. All coefficients were significant(ranged from r=.10 to .44, p<.01, p<.001). 3. The internal consistency of this scale was acceptable(Cronbach's $\alpha$=.91).



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