Consumer Education Policy for Net Generation -focused on Developing Social Support System-

N 세대를 위한 소비자 교육정책연구 -사회적 지원시스템의 구축을 중심으로 -

  • 박명희 (동국대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2002.02.01


Consumer Education Policy for -Focusing on developing Social support System- The purpose of this research is to understand the change of future consuming environment and the characteristics of future potential consumer: the net generations. With those research results, we deduced our goal, content and method of consumer education for these net generations. Finally, I suggested a scheme of the social construction by demand of our future society. Literature review and depth interview are used for this research. The main factors of the change of our future consuming environment are Digitalization, globalization, improvement of consumer sovereignty, Sustainable consumption culture, the increasing pursuit of safe life. It is necessary to educate our future consumer, net generations, the information searching skills in order to be able to obtain right information. We also need to educate them how to practice the safe life and Sustainable consumption and how to get consumers sovereignty. The method of the education requires interchangeable communication. We need social networking system for the support of consumer education, in order to build this social system. We need an administrative support from the government and financial support from corporations. We have suggested that it is very desirable to share all the information developed among Academic field, Consumer related organizations and schools by this network be build.



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