학교소비자교육 지원 기관을 위한 방향 모색

Groping out Direction for the Supporting System of Consumer Education in School

  • 김지경 (한국노동연구원 연구원) ;
  • 양정혜 (중앙대학교 대학원 가정학과) ;
  • 박인순 (중앙대학교 대학원 가정학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


Interested in the importance of Consumer Education in school has recognized in modem society, due mainly to the development and change of consumption life. Among the many contributions to the study of consumer issues that Consumer Education in school is the most important thing to be rational consumer. However, There is no any system to support the Consumer Education in school even though we need it. And thus, this paper is used the method of Contents Analysis through critically reviewing the professional web-sites of Consumer Education Center in Japan and Europe in order to investigate what the goal is, what contents are, how they operate their Consumer Education System. Moreover, we compare two web-sites in aspects of system, structure. The Consumer Education in Japan and Europe is toward the value of life which is not the buy-man-ship but the way of thinking and philosophy of life. The school lead the Consumer Education through the integrated system which is invoked all of related subjects. Each related subject is gotten together for the Consumer Education. Most of all the Consumer Education Center in Japan and Europe is in the middle of Consumer Education in school, and then absolutely assist and support Consumer Education in school.



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