A Survey on the Family Concepts and Values among the Citizens of Seoul

서울시민의 가족개념 인식 및 가치관에 관한 연구

  • 유계숙 (한국가족상담교육연구소) ;
  • 유영주 (한국가족상담교육연구소 소장)
  • Published : 2002.05.01


The family concepts and values are investigated in this research, using data from a sample of 999 residents aged 14 to 89 years in Seoul. The results indicate that the family concepts of the subjects imply marital and/or parent-child relationships with normative gender role. People tend to regard divorced, remarried, and adopted members as famines, while classifying gay/lesbian couples, members living together in a communal fashion, and single households into nonfamily groups. People evaluate that the current Korean family doesn't adequately meet the functional needs of families in emotional support, solidarity, recreation, leisure, social and economic security, and generational transmission of culture. More conclusions and implications are discussed.



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