노인의 지방섭취 식습관과 심혈관계 질환과의 관계에 대한 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Lipid Intake Style and Cardiovascular Disease of the Elderly

  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


This study was administrated to find the effects of dietary habits and nutrient intakes on the development of cardiovascular disease in the elderly aged over 60. The 40 healthy elderlies(18 males, 22 females) and 40 hospitalized elderlies with the cardiovascular disease(23 males, 17 females) were subjected for the study. Body weight, height, BMI and blood pressure were measured. Also, health behaviors such as exercise, smoking, drinking and dietary habits, frequency of intake lipid food in the past, nutrient intake at the present were assessed by interviews and questionnaire. The results of this study are as follows. 1. Body weight and the BMI were higher in hospitalized male elderlies significantly than those of healthy male elderlies(p<0.05). But the blood pressure wasn't different between two groups. 2. The ratio of male subjects who do regular exercise was significantly higher in healthy group(p<0.01). And significant difference in the extent of stress was found between two female groups(p<0.05). 3. The amount of meal and salty taste showed significant difference between two female groups(p<0.01) but the other dietary habits such as meat preference were not different between healthy and hospitalized elderlies. 4. Compared with healthy male elderlies, hospitalized male elderlies showed significantly higher frequency of intake of fish in the past(p<0.05) and frequency of intake of lipid food such as pork and chicken was also higher in the hospitalized male elderlies, but no significant difference in nutrient intake at the present was found between healthy and hospitalized elderlies. 5. Nutrient intake of elderlies showed in the average daily intake of energy, Ca, vitamin $B_2$were lower than Korean recommended dietary allowances(CRDA). For female subjects, the cholesterol intake was positively correlated with body weight, meats and eggs intake showed positive correlation with body weight and the BMI(p<0.01).



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