청소년 초기 일상생활활동 경험의 특성화 스트레스 수준

Daily Life Activity Experiences and their Relations to Stress in Early adolescence

  • 이미리 (연세대학교 생활과학연구소 전문연구원)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


This study investigated characteristics of daily life activity experiences and their relations to stress in early adolescence. A sample of 134 8th graders carried electronic watches programmed to signal 7 times a day for a week at random times and reported their daily life activity experiences when signaled. Boys spent 33% of their waking hours in schoolwork, 46% in leisure, and 21% in maintenance activities. Girls spent 32% in schoolwork, 43% in leisure, and the other 25% in maintenance. Both boys and girls experienced more positive affect, cognitive, and motivation during leisure, whereas more negative psychological states during schoolwork. The major stress was schoolwork-related. The stress was significantly related to objective and subjective experiences of daily life activity.



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