폴드 개념을 이용한 환경설계방법 연구 - 도산공원 재설계를 사례로 -

Environmental Design Methods Based on the Idea of Fold : The Re-Design Proposal of Do-San Park

  • 오창송 (지오 조경기술사 사무소) ;
  • 조경진 (서울시립대학교 건축·도시·조경학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


From modernism to post-modernism, the practice in the design field often reduced the complexity of environment and to remove variety. However, contemporary ideas of space have been changed. The current thought premise is that the environment is mutable and is evolving according to inner and outer forces and elements. Therefore, leading designers recognize that the environment is complex in itself while anticipating a new theory explaining on-going trends. The idea of fold formulated by Gilles Deleuze can provide a theoretical base for new environmental design in constrat to current design practices. The fold is a hybrid by accommodating complex relations within an object. It carries a dynamic world view through continual process and yields a topological space against absolute space like Euclid geometry. The characteristics of the fold can be paraphrased as rhizome, stratification and smooth space. Rhizome forms a non-hierarchial connection like networking in internet space. Stratification is a kind of superimposition of autonomous potential layers within a single object. Smooth space is a free space and event oriented space keeping non-linear form. This study tried to incorporate the idea of fold to environmental design methods and design process in order to make space which can correspond with complex environment and topological form. In the design process adapted to fold theory, rhizome analysis accepts the complexity of environment and stratification strategy embraces the possibility of accidental use. As a result, the designed park carries a monadic image and produces an ambiguous space. Lastly, smooth space makes topological space unlike Euclid geometry and is free space comosed by the user themselves. Transporting the idea of fold into environmental design could be an alterative way for indeterminate and flexible design to accept new identity of place. Therefore, this study accepts the concept of incidental morphogenesis to make space based on the complexity of environment. The designed space based on the idea of fold searches to create free event space determined by user rather than designated by designer.



  1. 대한건축학회지 v.45 no.9 비선형 패러다임과 디지털 건축 김주미
  2. 현대과학. 易 접힘과 펼쳐짐:라이프니츠 이정우
  3. MOVE Berkel. B. V.;C. Bos
  4. 새로운 과학과 문명의 전환 The Turning Point Capra. F.;이성범(역);구윤서(역)
  5. Taking Measures Across the American Landscape Coner. J.;A. Maclean
  6. Mille Plateaux: Capitalisme et Schizophrenie. Massumi. Brian Tr. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Deleuze. G.;F. Guattari
  7. Folding in Architecture Folding in Time Eisenman. P.;A. Papadakis(ed.)
  8. New Flatness Imperiale. A.
  9. S. M. L. XL. Koolhaas. R.;B. Mau
  10. Animate Form Lynn. G
  11. Folding in Architecture Architectural Curvilinearity: The Fold. The Pliant and The Supple Lynn. G.;A. Papadakis(ed.)
  12. Recovering Landscape Programing the Urban Surface Wall. A.;J. Coner(ed.)