Devices for Greening and Conservation of Small City in Korea - Focused on Implementation of 'Local Agenda 21'-

우리나라 중소도시의 녹지보전과 녹화추진 방안 - "지방의제 21' 실천을 중심으로 -

  • 박미호 (전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 이명우 (전북대학교 조경학과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this paper is to propose directions for urban greening and nature conservation in small-to-medium-sized cities in Korea for implementation of the Local Agenda 21 (LA 21 hereafter). In this paper, the status of implementation of the LA 21 in both Korea and Japan have been examined. In addition, the green-related plans of both countries have been compared. The cities of Jeonju and Sagamihara were chosen as examples to compare. The result of the research is as follows: 1)With regard to the responsible bodies, in Korea, the implementing plans were initiated by the environment-related authorities of local governments while, in Japan, the plans of action were initiated through consultative committees reflecting opinions from citizens and business entities. 2)Concerning the status of implementation of LA 21, the city of Jeonju has adopted a plan of action and then implemented the plan through a consultative body without adequate legal ground. On the other hand, the city of Sagamihara has enacted a local ordinance to implement the LA 21 It was learned that the newly enacted ordinance has positively been interrelated to existing environmental plans. 3)Regarding urban greening and nature conservation plans, the city of Jeonju has focused on comprehensive measures to preserve and restore ecology while the city of Sagamihara has clearly suggested educational purposes in its plans in addition to preserving and restoring ecology. 4)In terms of support by law or legal system concerned, it has been teamed that, compared with Japan, Korean plans have not been properly supported by law or the legal system to urban greening and nature conservation plans. The same was shown in the city of Jeonju as compared with the city of Sagamihara. As for future directions, the follow are proposed: 1) establishment of a local Committee on Sustainable Development, 2) enactment of relevant and regulations such as the Master Plan of Parks and Green Open paces, 3) establishment of ecological greening plans.



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  3. 지방의제 21의 의의와 지방정부의 대응 김귀곤
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