지형학적 하천 분류체계의 적용성 검토

  • 이두한 (수자원환경연구부 하천그룹)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01




  1. US Army Engineer Division, Missouri River A study of the shape of channels formed by natural streams flowing in erodible material, MRD Sediment Series 9 Lane E.W.
  2. Professional Paper. United States Geologucal Survey v.282B River channel patterns - braided, meandering and straight Leopold L.B.;Wolman M.G.
  3. Report prepared for the SHAMW committee of the Washington State Timber.Fish.Wildlife Agreement Channel classification, prediction of channel response and assessment fo channel condition Monthomery D.R.;Buffington J.M.
  4. Geomorphology v.4 A genetic classification of floodplains Nanson G.C.;Croke J.C.
  5. NRA(National Rivers Authoruty) River Stort Morphological Survey Appraisal and Watercourse Summaries, compiled by Brookes, A. and Ling. H
  6. Catena v.22 A classification of natural rivers Rosgen D.L.
  7. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America v.74 Sinuosity of alluvial rivers on the Great Plains Schumm S.A.
  8. Channel types and morphological classification Thorne C.R.
  9. 河道計劃策定の案內指針(案)