- 작업생리학 이창민
- 한국농촌생활과학회지 v.9 no.2 한국의 농작업환경과 인체부담에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)-작목별 건강도, 농작업자 생활행동, 축적적 피로증후군을 중심으로- 최정화;정성태;설향
- 日本農作業硏究 v.36 no.1 韓國農業におけゐ作業環境と人體負擔に關すゐ硏究-作物別 노동강도, 睡眠時間, 人體負擔を中心に- 催正和;鄭星台;黃敬淑
- BK21 핵심분야 1차년도 보고서 의류제품의 고부가가치를 위한 기능성 향상 연구 최정화
- 고열에 의한 건강장해 예방대책 신현화
- Ann. Rev. Physiol. v.44 Brain cooling in endotherms in heat and exercise Baker.M.A.
- Ergonomics v.38 no.1 Clothing assessment and effects on thermophysiological responses of man working in humid heat Candas.V.;Hoeft.A.
- Aviat. Space Environ. Med. v.61 no.1 Evaluation of three commercial microclimate cooling systems Bruce.S.;Cadarette.M.S.;Barry.S.(et al.)
- Aviat. Space Environ. Med. v.59 no.6 Portable, ambient air microclimate cooling in simulated desert and tropic conditions Muza.S.R.;Pimental.N.A.;Cosimini.H.M.(et al.)
- Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. v.52 no.3 The effectiveness of ice-and Freon-based personal cooling systems during work in fully encapsulating suits in the heat White.M.K.;Glenn.S.P.;Hudnall.J.(et al.)
- Aviat. Space Environ. Med. v.62 no.5 Heat balance of subjects wearing protective clothing with a liquid-or air-cooled vest Vallerand.A.L.;Michas.R.D.;Frim.J.(et al.)
- Aviat. Space Environ. Med. v.58 no.2 Effectiveness of an air-cooled vest using selected air temperature and humidity combination Pimental.N.A.;Cosimini.H.M.;Sawka.M.N.(et al.)
- 한국의류학회지 v.25 no.1 더운 환경에서의 냉각조끼의 착용효과에 관한 연구 최정화;황경숙
- 작업환경관리 박종안;차상은;김현영(외)
- 산업위생핸드북 노동환경건강연구소
- Proceeding of the Fifth Int. conf.on Environmental Ergonomics Ability of passive microclimate cooling vest to reduce thermal strain and increase tolerate time to work in the heat Nancy.A.
- Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. v.47 no.5 Readdressing personal cooling with ice Kamon.E.;Kenney.W.L.;Deno.N.S.(et al.)
- Somatosens Mot. Res. v.15 no.1 Temperature sensitivity of the body surface over the life span Stevens.J.C.;Choo.K.K.
- Pftuger. Arch. v.354 no.1 Effect of local cooling on sweating rate and cold sensation Crawshaw.L.I.;Nadel.E.R.;Stolwijk.J.A.(et al.)
- 서울대 박사학위논문 인체의 피부냉점분포에 관한 연구 설향;최정화