- The American Statistician v.53 no.4 Mean and Variance of truncated Normal Distribution Barr, D.;Sherrill, E.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.44 On Estimating the Mean and Standard Deviation of Truncated Normal Distributions Cohen, A.
- Annals of the Mathematical Statistics v.21 Estimating the Mean and Variance of Normal Populations from Singly Truncated and Doubly Truncated Samples Cohen, A.
- Technometrics v.1 Simplified Estimation for the Normal Distribution when Samples are Singly Censored or Truncated Cohen, A.
- Technometrics v.3 Tables for Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Singly Truncated and Singly Censored Samples Cohen, A.
- Truncated and Censored Samples: Theory and Application Cohen, A.
- British Association for the Advancement of Science v.5 The Truncated Nromal Distribution Fisher, R.
- Biometrika v.39 Estimation of the Mean and Standard Deviation of the Normal Population from a Censored Sample Gupta, A.
- Statistical Thoery with Engineering Applications Hald, A.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.47 Estimation in the Truncated Nromal Distribution Halperin, M.
- Continuous Univariate Distribution-1 Johnson, N.;Kotz, S.
- Reliability Engineering Handbook v.1 Keceioglu, D.