New Dispersion Function in the Rank Regression

  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


In this paper we introduce a new score generating (unction for the rank regression in the linear regression model. The score function compares the $\gamma$'th and s\`th power of the tail probabilities of the underlying probability distribution. We show that the rank estimate asymptotically converges to a multivariate normal. further we derive the asymptotic Pitman relative efficiencies and the most efficient values of $\gamma$ and s under the symmetric distribution such as uniform, normal, cauchy and double exponential distributions and the asymmetric distribution such as exponential and lognormal distributions respectively.



  1. The American Statistician v.50 A Class of Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Type Statistics Ahmad, I. A.
  2. Statistics and Probability A New Class of Score Generating Fuctions for Regression Models Choi, Y. H.;Ozturk, O.
  3. Inequalities Hardy, G. H.;Littlewood, J. E.;Polya, G.
  4. Statistical Inference Based on Ranks Hettmansperger, T. P.
  5. The Journal of American Statistical Association v.78 A Geometric Interpretation of Inferences Based on Ranks in the Linear Model Hettmansperger, T. P.;McKean J. W.
  6. Robust Nonparametric Statistical Methods Hettmansperger, T. P.;McKean J. W.
  7. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.43 Estimating Regression Coefficients by Minimizing the Dispersion of Residuals Jaeckel, L. A.
  8. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.40 Asymptotic Linearity of a Rank Statistic in Regression Parameter Jureckova, J.
  9. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.42 Nonparametric Estimate of Regression Coefficients Jureckova, J.
  10. Biometrika v.65 A Robust Analysis of the General Linear Model Based on One Step R-Estimates McKean J. W.;Hettmansperger, T. P.
  11. Journal of Royal Statistical Society v.56 Bounded Influence Rank Regression Naranjo, J. D.;Hettmansperger, T. P.
  12. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics v.10 Two-Sample Inference Based on One-Sample Ranked Set Sample Sign Statistics Ozturk, O.
  13. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics v.43 A Generalization of Ahmd's Class of Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Statistics Ozturk, O
  14. Statistics & Probability Letters v.29 Almost Fully Efficient and Robust Simultaneous Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters: A Minimum Distance Approach Ozturk, O;Hettmansperger, T. P.
  15. Biometrika v.84 Generalised Weighted Cramer-Von Mises Distance Estimators Ozturk, O;Hettmansperger, T. P.
  16. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics v.5 Influence Functions for Rank-Based Proceduresin The Linear Model Witt, L. D.;Naranjo, J. D.;McKean, J. W.

피인용 문헌

  1. Hypothesis Testing for New Scores in a Linear Model vol.10, pp.3, 2003,