개화기 계몽담론에 나타난 ′가족′에 대한 단상 - 대한매일신보를 중심으로 -

A Study of the Use of the Family in Enlightenment Discourses: an analysis of Taehan Maeil Sinbo

  • 전미경 (동국대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This is a study of discourses on the family used during the Enlightenment period in Korea. To this end, 1 have conducted a qualitative analysis of the editorials taken from the Taehan Maeil Sinbo of that period. The major findings are as follows: First, these Enlightenment period discourses claimed that civilized nations evolved from a family in primitive society. This concept of family is different from the concept of family in a Confucian society. Civilized societies believed the family is less important than the nation. At that time, Korean Press used the term bumoguk (Parental nation) to refer to the nation in an attempt to equate national loyalty to filial piety. Second, the Enlightenment period claimed that the nation belonged in the Public sphere while the family belonged in the private sphere. However, it was stated that it was the duty of the family to discipline the members and make them into good citizens. Finally, Enlightenment discourses used familyism as the basis of their arguments.



  1. 대한자강회월보 no.1 가정교육 정운복
  2. 한국신소설전집 v.5 두견성
  3. 일본근대문학의 기원 가라타니고진;박유하
  4. 한국인의 윤리관 조선시대 유교윤리의 특성과 한계 신옥희
  5. 아세아학보 v.2 구한말 정치,사회학회.언론단체 조사자료 이현종
  6. 한국가정관리학회 v.19 no.2 개화기 축첩제 담론분석: 신문과 신소설을 중심으로 전미경
  7. 한국가정관리학회 v.19 no.3 개화기 과부개가 담론분석: 신문과 신소설을 중심으로 전미경
  8. 대한매일신보와 배설 정진석
  9. 근대주체와 식민지 규율권력 주체형성의 장의 변화: 가족에서 학교로 홍일표;김진균;정근식(편저)