원외 전자처방전달시스템의 비용.편익 분석

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Interned-based Prescription Delivery System

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


Korea's recent attempt to separate prescription and dispensation of pharmaceuticals suffers serious, negative side effects. The interned-based prescription delivery system is being considered a supportive tool to alleviate such side effects. This paper conducts an economic evaluation of the system. We consider all possible types of pecuniary costs and benefits, from societal perspective, to conclude that nationwide adoption of the system would raise net social benefits by 5,892 billion won for the coming five years. Specifically, the net benefits would be distributed among consumers (5,667 billion won), pharmacies (216 billion won) and medical institutions (8 billion won). Net social benefits would be far mere enhanced by deregulation policies, such as removal of restrictions on electronic type prescription and home-delivery of dispensed drugs.



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