Food Service Management in Elementary School in Chunnam Province

전남 초등학교의 급식유형별 급식관리 실태

  • 노희경 (전남 장성군 중앙초등학교) ;
  • 최여자 (조선대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2002.04.01


This study was undertaken to assess the school flood service management and its perception by dietitians. Questionnaries were developed and answered by 162 dietitians in elementary schools in Chollanam-do. The duration of the flood service system was the longest in remote areas followed by rural and urban areas. The average number of persons served a day was 680 per dietitians. More than three schools were supervised by 52.4% of dietitians. Lack of facilities, including restrooms for the flood service personnel and storage compartments for convenience products were indicated. Regardless of the type of school flood service system, the dietitians pointed out that they urgency needed gas fryers, gas griddles and vegetable cutters, which would be helpful in preparing fried flood for the students. Despite the dietitians' eagerness to teach nutritional education, 80.9% of the respondents did not provide nutritional education to the students, because of the lack of class roomtime. It was suggested that the teaching nutritional education by dietitians was desperately needed for the improvement of health and the nutritional status of school children.



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