알루미늄소재의 재가열 공정에서 구상화의 크기가 기계적 성질에 미치는 영향

The Effect of globule size on the Mechanical Properties in Reheating Process of Aluminium Alloys

  • 박상문 (부산대학교 대학원 정밀기계공학과) ;
  • 강충길 (부산대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


One of the important steps on semi-solid forming Is the reheating process of raw materials to the semi-solid state. This Process is not only necessary to achieve the required SSM billet state, but also to contro1 the microstructure of the billet. In reheating process, the globule size is determined by the holding time of last heating stage. Therefore, some experiments to investigate the relationship between the mechanical properties and the holding time in the last heating stage was performed. The alloys used in this experiment were 357, 319 and A390 alloys. The experiments of reheating were performed by using an Induction heating system with the capacity of 50kw. This paper shows the evolution of the microstructure according to the holding time of last reheating stage. Furthermore, to evaluate the effect of globule size controlled by holding time in last heating stage uniaxial tension test was performed. The strain-stress curves were plotted according to the holding time.



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