- ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition:'Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications'
- IEEE Std 802.11b-1999 (Supplement to IEEE 802.11, 1999 Edition): 'Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4GHz Band'
- IEEE Std 802.11a 1999 (Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications:Highspeed Physical Layer in the 5GHz Band'
- ETSI TR 101 683 (VI.I.I): 'Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN):HIPERLAN Tvpe 2; System Over view
- ETSI TS101 767U1 (V1.2.1): 'Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HIPERLAN Type 2; Data Link Control (DLC) Layer; Part 1:Basic Data Transport Functions'
- ETSI TS 101 761-2 (V1.2.1):'Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HIPERLAN Type 2; Data Link Control (DLC) Layer; Part 2:Radio Link Control (RLC) sublayer'
- ETSI TS 101 475 (V1.2.2): 'Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN);HIPERLAN Type 2; Physical (PHY) Layer'
- IEEE 802.11e/D2.0a (Draft Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Medium Access Control (MAC) Enhancements for Quality of Service (QoS)'
- IEEE 802.11f/D3.0 (Draft Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Recom mended Practice for Multi Vendor Access Point Interoperability via an Inter Access Point Protocol Across Distribution Systems Supporting IEEE 802.11 Operation'
- IEEE 802.11g/D2.5 (Draft Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Further Higher Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4GHz Band'
- IEEE 802.11h/D2.0 (Draft Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Spectrum and Transmit Power Management extensions in the 5GHz band in Europe'
- IEEE 802.11i/D2.0 (Draft Supplement to IEEE 802.11, Edition): 'Specification for Enhanced Secuhty'