동아의 단백질가수분해효소

Pretense in Wax Gourd

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


동아의 단백질 가수분해효소 활성은 익은 동아 육질은 0.19 unit/0.5ml, 어린 동아 육질은 0.56unit, 익은 동아속은 24.35unit, 어린 동아속은 0.35unit이었다. 생고기에 대한 활성은 익은 동아 육질은 생쇠고기에 대해서는 13.0unit, 생돼지고기에 대해서는 7.4unit를 나타냈고, 동아속은 생쇠고기에 대해서는 30.2unit, 생돼지고기에 대해서는 24.5unit를 나타냈다. 단백질 가수 분해효소의 열 안정성은 각 온도별에서 10분간 가열한 다음 7$0^{\circ}C$까지는 안정하였고, 8$0^{\circ}C$에서는 21%의 활성만 남고, 9$0^{\circ}C$ 이상에서는 활성을 잃었다. 분광광도 스펙트럼 결과는280nm에서의 단백질 피크가 주이고, 다른 흡광성 물질은 없었다. HPLC분석 결과, 익은 동아와 어린 동아 육질과 속은 모두 단백질 가수분해효소 작용으로 casein을 작은 분자로 가수분해하였다. 1/10로 희석한 것은 카제인이 가수분해된 것과, 엉겨서 분자량이 커진 것 두 가지인데 반해 1/10희석한 익은 동아속은 분자량이 커진 것은 나타나지 않았다. 그리고, 1/10 희석한 것은 원액을 사용한 것과 모습이 다르지만 익은 동아속은 원액과 패턴이 같았다.

Protease activity in matured wax gourd sarcocarp was 0.19unit/0.5ml, immatured wax gourd sarcocarp 0.56unit, and matured wax gourd 24.35 unit, immatured wax gourd core 0.35unit. Protease activity in matured wax gourd sarcocarp to raw meat or raw pork was 13,0 unit, 7.4 unit, respectively, and that in wax gourd core to raw beef was 30.2 unit, and raw pork was 24.5 unit. Thermal stability of pretense in matured wax gourd sarcocarp was stable below 70$\^{C}$ when it was heated for 10 minutes. In case of 80$\^{C}$, the remaining activity was 21%, and at 90$\^{C}$, it was lost entirely. The absorption spectrum showed peak at 280nm. According to the HPLC analysis, casein was hydrolyzed into small size by protease in core or sarcocarp of matured was gourd and immatured wax gourd. Wax gourd diluted by 1/10 showed two peaks, one was from casein being hydrolyzed, and the other was from the increased molecular weight with coagulated casein. On the other hand, the molecular weight didin't increase in immatured wax gourd core diluted by 1/10. The result of dilution of 1/10 showed different pattern from undiluted one, but the peak of sarcocarp in matured wax gourd was 1 and the peak of core in immatured wax gourd was 5, and those of core and sarcocarp of immatured wax gourd were 3 respectively.



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