Characteristics of unit loads of pollutants were investigated at a paddy fields area(Soro-ri) with large-scaled plots on loam soil during irrigation seasons of 1999 ∼2000. The average irrigation requirement of experimental paddy area are estimated at over 3,000 mm. The unit loads of pollutants in paddy fields area are determined by subtracting irrigation water load from outflow load (percolated and surface outflow loads). Surface outflow load in rainy days was calculated using the relationships of discharge and load, which are grouped into fertilizing and non-fertilizing periods. The ratios of the surface outflow load in rainy days to the total surface outflow load are 16.4% for T-N, 26.8% for T-P, and 23.3% far CODc,. The unit loads of pollutants show month-to-month and year-to-year variations, and monthly unit load of pollutants can show negative values, indicating that the paddy area acts as the pollutants sink. The average unit loads of the pollutants during irrigation seasons were estimated at 18.2 kg/ha fur T-N, 0.31 kg/ha for T-P, and 43.3 kg/ha for CODc,, which are smaller than the reported values for Kosei area in Japan.